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"Commemorate This 'Memorial Day Holiday' Like Never Before!"   

"Panda", On Guard.  

The German Shorthaired Pointer is by nature tenderly gregarious and dependably domestically at ease;  however, it can be trained to be physically aggressive.  It expertly sniffs out bombs and skillfully searches for hidden insurgents. Best of all, this "man's best friend" doesn't ask much for it's performance beyond a toy, treat or simple praise.

The breed is deployed more and more by the US military;  the demand for its assertive abilities continues to grow both at home and abroad. A German Shorthaired Pointer pup is an ideal pet for a veteran or currently active service member, who has experienced  it's inherent, devout nature and vitality on duty. 


Beyond Words    I   Tummy Ta-Tum-Tum Tum! 

Trusty Trainer & Royal Guardian

Bird's-eye View Of A Recent Crew 

PICK Of The Litter

The Penetrating Prowess of The Pointer


Charlie Plays Catch  I  On The Lake 

On The Go In The Snow                       

Ruffin" It Out   I   "Fit to be tied."

PACK  for The Holidays! 

A pal for a pal   I  Charlie on The Lake

© Enfield Grafik Design & Production 2022,  All Rights Reserved